Melanie Hardman, Anjna Rising and Emily Haggerty from the Ximbio team attended the EMBO meeting this week in Birmingham. The meeting was attended by approximately 600 people from Europe and was a fantastic opportunity to learn about the latest life science research. The meeting attracted a wide range of scientists from graduate students to late stage researchers from all areas of the life sciences. The Ximbio exhibition stand was inundated with lots of scientists who wanted to learn about Ximbio and the benefits for researchers. Many scientsists registered on our website and we welcome them whole heartedly to the Ximbio community.

As well as spreading the word about Ximbio, the team attended some of the lectures. We particularly enjoyed the Louis-Jeantet Prize lecture by Emmanuelle Charpentier on the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Another interesting talk was about the use of an in vivo genome-wide CRISPR/ Cas9 screen in the identification of loss-of-function mutations that drive tumour growth and metastasis to the lung, demonstrating Cas9-based screening as a robust method to systematically assay gene phenotypes in cancer evolution. The speaker of this talk, Feng Zhang has published his work in Cell and has commercialised the mouse models and plasmids generated from this research.

Finally, Chief Editor at EMBO, Bernd Pulverer's gave a lecture on transparent publishing. Bernd spoke about initiatives in improving experimental reproducibility from published research and mentioned how this is an aim for Ximbio through the linking unique reagents to specific published papers and protocols.



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