Consisting of hundreds of different types of cells and signalling molecules and controlled by around 8000 genes, your immune system is one of the most complicated systems in your body. Since Edward Jenner first demonstrated the concept of immunisation, scientists have slowly been increasing our understanding of the immune system and in particular the effects of ageing or immunosenescence. In this article, we explore the latest ideas within the field of immunology and some of the research tools available in our portfolio from leading labs in immunology research.

The aging immune system

Your immune system consists of the adaptive and innate immune system. The innate system is present within the body from birth and is influenced by your parent’s genetics and their immune systems. The adaptive immune response develops through your lifetime, as your body is exposed to viruses and bacteria.

As you age, the immune responses provided by these systems change. Monocytes start to reduce the amount of interferon produced when exposed to viral infections. This leads to a slower and less effective adaptive immune response to infection. In addition, the increased familiarisation of the immune system to low-grade chronic inflammation as you age, reduces the immune system’s response to new or novel pathogens. Vaccinations are also less efficient. It is therefore easier for a virus to take advantage of this delayed response, increasing your susceptibility to disease. Discover the story of Charles Janeway, one of the founder’s of innate immunology, and the reagents we have available from his laboratory.

The innate immune system also changes as you age. The thymus declines in size, decreasing the output of naïve and antigen-experienced T-cells. The production of pro-inflammatory cytokines within the thymus increases, leading to an increased risk of diabetes, osteoporosis and atherosclerosis. Understanding how cytokines are produced and how they cause inflammation is important in identifying ways to reverse this aging process. Ximbio’s portfolio contains a variety of cytokine research tools, including one that is specifically involved in the acute phase reaction of inflammation.

Your immune system age – just a number?

However, these immune system changes are not uniform across individuals. Different people show these immune system changes at different ages. Recent research has therefore proposed the possibility of individuals having an immune age that could differ from their biological ages. Although the decline of the immune system starts in puberty, it has been proposed that this decline could be accelerated or slowed by your genetics, lifestyle choices and lifetime exposure to bacteria and viruses.

Your genetic legacy

It is thought that over 75% of immune traits are genetically influenced, showing that genetics play a large role in our immune system’s ability to fight off disease. Some examples include:


-          Some people have managed to avoid HIV infection despite sharing needles or having unprotected sex with infected partners. Research in the mid-1990s discovered genetic mutations within these individuals in the CCR5 gene, that made them completely resistant to HIV. This is because the chemokine receptors of CCR5 mediate the entry of HIV and SIV into the susceptible cells. Discover a monoclonal antibody within our portfolio that specifically targets CCR5

-          One in 15 healthy adults carry the pneumonia causing bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae quite harmlessly within their respiratory tracts. Investigating how these individuals are resistant to this bacteria and understanding how this pathogen causes pneumococcal disease can help provide insights into potential treatments. Explore some of the research tools on our portfolio that could be used to study immunogenic reactions to pneumococcal infections.


Conversely, certain genetic traits can increase the likelihood of your susceptibility to certain autoimmune diseases, for example mutations in BRCA genes can lead to early onset breast or ovarian cancer. This is because BRCA2 is a tumour suppressor gene and is usually involved in the repair of chromosomal damage. The Ximbio portfolio contains a polyclonal antibody that specifically targets BRCA and a monoclonal antibody that targets PALB2, a partner and localiser of BRCA2.


Your lifestyle choices have an impact

The lifestyle choices you make can also have an impact on the age of your immune system. Smokers have a higher immune age than non-smokers of a similar age and obesity and a sedentary lifestyle can also have negative effects on your immune age. However, some lifestyle changes have been shown to have a positive effect on your immune age; Intermittent fasting can extend both your lifespan and the number of healthy years (i.e. Disease free) you experience at the end of your life. Slightly increasing your vitamin E, vitamin D and zinc intake above the age of 65 can also help enhance immune function. However, in too high a concentration these nutrients could also suppress the immune system.


A lifetime’s exposure to bacteria and viruses

Depending on the bacteria or the virus, previous exposure to an infection can have a huge impact on how your immune system responds. At birth, your T-cells typically consist of naïve T-cells that carry the CD45RA glycoprotein. CD45RA regulates the threshold of T-cell antigen receptor signalling through dephosphorylation of protein tyrosine kinases. Discover a range of CD45RA research tools within our portfolio.


As you grow, these T-cell numbers decline and other T-cells stimulated by infections, vaccinations and your microbiome (in the gut, your respiratory tract and skin) increase. Research has shown that people who haven’t been exposed to infections or parasites as a child, are more likely to suffer from autoimmune diseases in later life. However, conversely overexposure to infectious diseases and pathogens in childhood can cause your immune system to age prematurely, though the long-term effects of this are currently unknown.


Measuring your immune age

Once the mechanisms behind changes in the age of the immune system are understood, markers could be identified to measure individual immune ages. For example frailty and mortality in older individuals could be measured through the body’s balance of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines.  Other methods of measurement could include age dependant biological changes such as the increased presence of hematopoietic stem cells, a decrease in natural killer cells and a decline in the production of new naïve lymphocytes. Research tools targeting each of these biological changes are critical in ensuring these changes are measured. Some research tools within the Ximbio portfolio that are relevant to these areas include:

-          Monoclonal antibodies that target CD44. These help track the presences of CD44, which plays a crucial role in hematopoietic regulation.

-          Monoclonal antibodies that target Xenopus Natural Killer cells. These antibodies enable natural killer cells to be separated from T and B cells for easier identification.

-          Several monoclonal antibodies that bind to antigens on different lymphocyte cells for use in lymphocyte research.

Understanding immune age could therefore not just provide a marker of health and help predict the longevity of the individual, but could also lead to new strategies to help improve people’s health span in the future;  Recent research has shown that growth hormones could be used to regenerate the thymus gland, helping to regenerate the immune system in older people or those with underactive immune systems.

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