Ximbio has recently launched a new FAQ page, where you can find answers to questions frequently asked about Ximbio and how it works.

We value being an open resource for all our users, be it bench scientists, technology transfer professionals or life science companies. The Ximbio FAQ page is full of valuable information. You can find out more about what Ximbio is and how it works, how to deposit a reagent and what our licensing processes are.

If there is a question you are unable to find an answer, there is a useful “suggest an FAQ” form, where you can ask your question and we will provide you with the answer on the website.

We will soon be adding our very own Ximbio video, a short summary of how Ximbio works and why we are so committed to sharing reagents. Watch this space!

We count on your feedback

The development of the Ximbo wesbite and business model is an ongoing process is driven by the feedback, needs and requirements of the Ximbio community. We are committed to developing and growing based on our user feedback and it is very important to us to respond positive and negative experiences so we are able to strive for a better service and product.

Ximbio core values include:

  • Sharing – Ximbio aims to facilitate the sharing of information and ideas between scientists.
  • Value – Using Ximbio can return value back to universities and scientists in the form of credit, time and money. life science companies can easily source new products to augment their portfolios via a straightforward commercialisation process.
  • Science - Making innovative reagents widely and easily available to further research
  • Community - Support the global community, making it easier to collaborate and share
  • Unique - Drive reagent standards and challenge the way things are done

Become a part of our story

The website development process requires real users to test our new features. Would you like to be a Ximbio pioneer and be the first to trail these out? Get in touch at enquiries@ximbio.com for further information.