New Plasmids from Ximbio

Please find below our sixth Ximbio product update. This month’s update focuses on newly developed plasmids and proteins from the University of Cambridge, Lancaster University and the CRUK Beatson Institute.

Ximbio introduces 22 new plasmids available for licence for in-house R&D or commercial resale of the plasmids/proteins as research tools. For many of the plasmids Ximbio offer the corresponding proteins for sale.
For licensing and sales enquiries please email:

Or call +44 (0)20 3469 6449.

Technical datasheets for Ximbio’s expanding research tool portfolio can be accessed at

Chicken IgY precipitating Plasmid
Applications: IP, WB, ICC
PMID: summer 2016
A  novel GST-tagged protein specific for and binding with high affinity to chicken IgY. This protein offers a utility comparable to that of Protein A binding to IgG. The protein offers a valuable alternative to anti-chicken secondary antibodies for immune-detection and -capture.
TAT-C3 (PTD) exoenzyme Plasmid & TAT-C3 exoenzyme Plasmid
Applications: Cell signalling enzyme assays
PMIDs: [PTD] 22139636 & 25413277, 21079653, 20566876, 19470758, 18334560, 16472655, 15735008.
The Exoenzyme C3 Transferase expressed by these two plasmids is commonly used to selectively inactivate the GTPases RhoA, RhoB, and RhoC, both in vivo and in vitro.  C3 Transferase inhibits Rho proteins by ADP-ribosylation on asparagine 41 in the effector binding domain of the GTPase.  The cell penetrating moiety allows rapid and efficient transport through the plasma membrane.
Rock1:ER GFP Plasmid & Rock2:ER GFP Plasmid
Applications: Cell signalling enzyme assays
Reactivity: Human
Rock1:ER GFP and Rock2:ER GFP Plasmids contains human ROCK 1 or 2 fused to the hormone-binding domain of the estrogen receptor. The ER fusion produces a ROCK kinase that can be stimulated by estrogen analogues such as tamoxifen or 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-HT). This stimulation can be blocked by the ROCK inhibitor Y-27632.
Control dead kinase Rock1 and 2 fusions are also available in addition to a kinase null version.
Rock2 (Cow):ER GFP Plasmid
Applications: Cell signalling enzyme assays
Reactivity: Bovine
PMIDs: 12897135, 8617717
Rock2 (Cow):ER GFP Plasmid contains kinase domain along with part of the coiled–coil region of bovine Rock2 (residues 5–553) attached to the hormone‐binding domain of the mouse estrogen receptor (hbER) at the carboxyl‐terminus and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) at the amino terminus. Rock2 (Cow):ER KD GFP Plasmid is available as the kinase deficient control.


Plasmids expressing alpha synuclein; wild-type, A30P mutant, A53T mutant and E46K mutant.
Applications: WB, IP, enzyme assays
Reactivity: Human
PMID: 15180968
Alpha-synuclein is expressed predominantly in the brain, where it is concentrated in presynaptic nerve terminals. The deposition of the abundant presynaptic brain protein alpha-synuclein as fibrillary aggregates in neurons or glial cells is a hallmark lesion in a subset of neurodegenerative disorders..
Plasmids expressing beta synuclein; wild-type, V70M mutant, P123H and mutant
Applications: WB, IP, enzyme assays
Reactivity: Human
Beta-synuclein is an abundant pre-synaptic phosphoprotein that is found in the brain and is homolgous to alpha-synuclein. Beta-synuclein is distinct from alha-synuclein in that it lacks the majority of the hydrophobic non-amyloid-beta component of the Alzeheimer's disease amyloid region.
Plasmid expressing gamma synuclein; wild-type
Applications: WB, IP, enzyme assays
Reactivity: Human
Gamma synuclein is structurally related to alpha-synuclein. Due to these structural similarities, gamma-synuclein can also aggregate in vitro and in vivo. This aggregation is believed to be a crucial trigger of neurodegeneration in alpha-synucleinopathies.