Ximbio demonstrating impact

Meet the Ximbio team, who are attending the Research Impact: Evidencing the REF meeting in Manchester this week. Jaya Shrivastava and Emily Haggerty from the Potfolio team, will be exhibiting at the meeting and explaining Ximbio's core mission to demonstrate impact in the lifescience community.

Ximbio has been developed to change the way that research reagents are searched, sourced and shared, and aims to broaden the range of tools available to scientists globally, supporting and advancing life science research. So far we are acheiving success, with our portfolio already reaching 1000 reagents and growing. This is significant as it demonstrates that Ximbio is expanding the benefits of reagent commercialisation to many new institutes and companies.

Ximbio contributes to research impact in the following ways:

  • Scientists who generated their tools are connected and credited on our datasheet. The institute where they were based at are also included. In this way, Both institutes and their scientists can build an online portfolio of research tools which have been commercialised.
  • Reagent datasheets also include up to date references and suppliers of these tools, so users can easily locate them.
  • Technology transfer offices have their very own personal dashboard on the Ximbio website, where all research tools that scientists from their institutes have virtually deposited can be viewed.
  • Ximbio also offers a service to technology transfer offices to manage the commercialisation of reagents on their behalf. In this case, Ximbio actively report back with key success metrics. This shows how streamlining research tool commercialisation can contribute to life science research impact.


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