Ximbio began working with UbiQ in May 2016 following a serendipitous meeting at ELRIG 2015.


UbiQ are a start-up from academic institute NKI in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and have a core focus on offering reagents to enable the study of the Ubiquitin Proteasome System. An offshoot of their collaborative activities was the generation of a monoclonal antibody against yeast Ubiquitinated Histone H2B (Lys123). Knowing the visibility of CRT’s research tool business Ximbio and the core expertise of making antibodies available to the research community both parties completed an agreement and Ximbio began marketing the antibody. Following inclusion in July’s product mailer there was immediate interest from both academics and a number of research tool resellers from the USA, Europe and Japan. Publication and further characterisation resulting from UbiQ’s own collaborative activities further increased the interest in the antibody, particularly on account of the strength of its application by Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP). To date Ximbio have sold the antibody to three global resellers as well as licensed the clone for in-house manufacture.

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