Ximbio was established to provide a centralised resource for the life sciences community to share research tools and best practice with fellow researchers from across the globe. Following a tremendous reception at the AUTM Annual Meeting this year, Ximbio is pleased to welcome several new internationally renowned institutions to the community:

  • The Rockefeller University, USA
  • Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
  • Lancaster University, UK
  • Medical University of Vienna, Austria
  • Danish Cancer Society.

Another new addition is a small start up company called UbiQ which is a Dutch biotech company specialising in ubiquitin related reagents.

New reagents have also recently been added from the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Birmingham, bringing the total number of reagents listed on the portal to over 950.

This marks a great success for Ximbio and hugely benefits the community by broadening the range of tools available to scientists globally; with the website becoming increasingly popular it is beginning to play a pivotal role in supporting and advancing life science research.


View the new reagents listed on Ximbio by tool type and originating institute


University of Birmingham

The Rockefeller Institute

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory from the prestigious Stillman Lab

Lancaster University

Medical University of Vienna, from Inventor Dr Egon Ogris who is renowned for making novel reagents; like the only available Progerin monoclonal (clone13A4) and ApoE4 monoclonal (clone 4E4) and the antibodies towards size markers used in western blots.





University of Oxford

Port Cell LinesCELL LINES


Danish Cancer Society


Port PlasmidsPLASMIDS


University of Cambridge

Lancaster University



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