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R-3327 AT.2 cell line

Invented at Johns Hopkins University


Catalogue Number 156411
Antigen/Gene or Protein Targets Androgen-independent anaplastic tumors
Disease Keywords Prostate Cancer
Model Cancer Model
Relevance AT-2 originates from the spontaneous tumor (R3327) of the prostate identified by W.F. Dunning in a 22 month-old inbred Copenhagen male rat in 1961. R3327 has been maintained by continuous serial passage in rats for many years. AT-2 was identified in 1981 and was the second of such anaplastic tumors to arise. Following subcutaneous transplantation in syngeneic male rats, AT-2 forms solid sheets of malignant cells with no indication of glandular function. These tumors are androgen-independent and grow continuously with a doubling time of approximately 2.5 days. AT-2 exhibits a low to moderate metastatic ability (<20% of rats inoculated sub-cutaneously develop distant metastases). The AT-2 subline can be used to study the effects of various types of cancer therapies on prostate cells.
Research Area Cancer, Drug Discovery & Development
Cellosaurus ID CVCL_L303


There are 2 reference entries for this reagent.

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References: 2 entries

Musialik et al. 2013. Oncol Rep. 29(5):1789-96. PMID: 23467722.

Isaacs et al. 1986. Prostate. 9(3):261-81. PMID: 3774632.

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References: 2 entries

Musialik et al. 2013. Oncol Rep. 29(5):1789-96. PMID: 23467722.

Isaacs et al. 1986. Prostate. 9(3):261-81. PMID: 3774632.

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