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BCH-RB41 Retinoblastoma cell line

Invented at University Of Birmingham


Catalogue Number 160634
Host Human
Disease Keywords Retinoblastoma
Model Cancer Model
Relevance Retinoblastoma is a rare type of eye cancer most commonly affecting children under the age of 5. One eye can be affected, which is called unilateral retinoblastoma. Bilateral retinoblastoma is when both eyes are affected. This can be very distressing and frightening for the child and their parents.

Some children are born with a change mutation in the RB1 retinoblastoma gene inherited from one of their parents. Or this gene change happened during the very early stages of their development in the womb. About 4 out of 10 children diagnosed (about 40%) have this heritable type, which often affects both eyes. Retinoblastoma tends to develop in just one eye in children who do not have this heritable type.

We don't know what causes the remaining 60% of retinoblastomas. But these non inherited types nearly always only affect one eye.
Research Area Cancer
Recommended Growing Conditions Culture conditions: DME/F12 + 15% fetal calf serum + glutamine + non-essential amino acids + beta-mercaptoethanol - dilute fresh stock of b-ME and add just before use (Carmel needs to check concentrations).
Cell line is very slow growing and should only be split at high density (e.g. 2x 25cm flasks -> 3 flasks). Before splitting, shake flask gently to dislodge apoptotic cells from surface of clumps, allow clumps to settle, remove medium/cell debris and replace with fresh medium. Do not completely disaggregate the cell clumps as this will reduce cell viability.

Growth pattern: in clumps in suspension

Most of these cell lines are very slow growing and should only be split at high density e.g. 2 x 25cm flasks -> 3 flasks. Before splitting, shake flask gently to dislodge apoptotic cells from surface of clumps, allow clumps to settle, remove medium/cell debris and replace with fresh medium. Do not completely disaggregate the cell clumps as this will reduce cell viability.
Notes Tissue used: Stromal

Patient sex: Female

No BCOR mutation present

STR data available on request


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